The last few years have brought considerable changes to the workforce – including what’s been dubbed the “Great Resignation,” with people leaving jobs. However, as we head into 2022, saving for retirement continues to be a priority.

According to Fidelity, account balances and contribution are nearing record levels. So, while people are seeking new employment opportunities – or not – they are still focused on preparing for retirement by saving, saving, saving.

According to Fidelity, the average IRA balance in 2021 was $135,600 – up 6% from 2020. And the average 401(k) balance was $130,700 – up 8% from a year ago.

In fact, Fidelity reports that nearly 40% of investors increased their 401(k) contributions last year.

So, what does this mean? In a nutshell, employers are continuing to play a crucial role in helping keep their employees saving for retirement.

Some of the biggest savers come from Generation Z – meaning young workers are committed to planning to saving for retirement. Fidelity states that the total number of their IRA accounts increased to 12.3 million last year – a 13% jump. And the highest level of growth came from Gen Z investors.

Gen Z investors are also increasing their contribution rate, 53% according to Fidelity.

Employers are sharing the load, with 83% of employees having their company make a contribution to their 401(k) in 2021. The average employer contribution was about $4,000.

In the midst of the “Great Resignation,” as employees change jobs, they are moving their money as they go – and continuing to save. They aren’t cashing out of their 401(k) when they change jobs, they are taking the money with them.

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