It seems Americans are saving more for retirement, with retirement account balances at an all-time high, according to a report by Fidelity Investments. In the report, the company noted that average overall contributions are also on the rise – nudging closer to its...
If your job offers 401(k) retirement plans, pay close attention to company communications. Starting earlier this year, many companies are now required to auto-enroll employees into 401(k) retirement plans – even if you’ve previously opted out. This change is due to...
Right before the holidays, the 2025 IRS limits were announced and thresholds for retirement plans – reflecting cost-of-living adjustments. If you have a 401(k), there are some limits that are relevant to your retirement plans. In a separate announcement, the 2025 IRS...
The year is ending, and if you haven’t sent annual notices to plan participants, now is the time, plan sponsors! In fact, it might be too late this year (the deadline is Dec. 1, 2024) so if you are unsure – or if you missed the deadline – here is what you need to know...
The SECURE 2.0 Act continues to bring changes to America regarding retirement savings and planning and 2025 will usher in more updates. While many things have already been implemented due to SECURE 2.0, 2025 will bring even more changes – and there will be more in the...
If you work for an employer that sponsors a 401(k) or a governmental agency that offers 457(b) plans, you might already know about catchup contributions. For a while, employers sponsoring these plans can give participants who are 50 or older by the end of the calendar...
Rolling over your 401(k) is a big deal. There are many reasons to avoid doing it – and while it is sometimes necessary, it isn’t easy. There are many reasons why one might want to roll over their 401(k) but one major reason is changing jobs – or leaving a job. And it...
Get ready: Automatic enrollment is mandatory in 2025 and now is the time to start preparing for this change! Under SECURE 2.0, there were numerous changes to retirement planning and one of the biggest changes is that automatic enrollment will be mandatory in 2025....
Back in the day, the retirement age was 55 – or whenever you got your 25 years of service in to the same company you worked for your whole life. However, we are living longer and healthier lives, so when do YOU plan to retire? The answers vary, depending on your...
If you manage employee benefit plans, you probably are familiar with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, known as ERISA. The federal Department of Labor enforces provisions set forth in ERISA, and there are a few things that are consistently being...
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