Do I have to sacrifice now to have a nest egg later?

We are working so hard to retire comfortably, and preparing for retirement is simply not a breeze when you have a family, a mortgage, a car payment, medical bills, phone bills…and every other kind of bill that there is.

Even after we ‘make it’ to retirement, we end up coming out of it because we don’t have enough. It is hard for me to see this happen.

Financial planning is essential to your retirement success, and we are committed to helping you do just that.

I’ve put together a few creative things you can do right NOW to help you can save more for retirement.

Get Creative with Your Clothing

Creativity Now to Thrive in Retirement

You don’t NEED to wear a new outfit everyday. Simplicity is actually fun! This video inspired me to get rid of half my wardrobe by showing me how to use one piece of clothing 20 different ways:


Get Creative with your Clutter

Creativity Now to Thrive in Retirement

In Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, my mind got clear. The 34 pairs of pajamas in my room, were adding to the clutter in my mind. When someone starts talking about retirement numbers, do you tune out and start hearing your mind chatter? “Oh I think I’ll go to the grocery store when I leave here, I need to run to the post office, I wonder if Big Brother is on tonight….”


Decluttering your life, will engage your brain in retirement conversations! Check out this video for an overview of how Marie teaches Katie Couric to organize her closet:


Of course, no matter how creative we are, we will lose nothing by consulting a professional financial adviser or retirement planner. It’s better to be safe than sorry. No one wants to be sorry in their 60’s. Time is ticking, people!


Have you already planned out your retirement? We can help you polish your plan! Send us a message to know more!