2017 is almost wrapped up and 2018 is peeking its head around the corner!


A new year means new resolutions, plans, goals, and the chance to become a better version of ourselves. The beginning of a new year is not the only time to plan and achieve something, but for most people, it represents a fresh start, a new beginning.

Typically, people list the following four goals as important:
1) Family/Friends
2) Career
3) Finances
4) Health

As a financial coach, I say a big “YES!” to spending a little time on number 3, finances!

A survey performed earlier this year showed that 40 percent of Americans set financial resolutions. That fresh start can actually help you save and earn more.

However, coming up with a financial resolution is different from just setting a new financial goal. Financial goals are short-term most of the time, while resolutions help in reaching five- or ten-year goals because they discipline the mind to stay consistent on the course.

Changes don’t happen overnight; they comes little by little.


Take small steps each and every day to live out your resolution. No matter how big or small the jump is, it is still progress. Learning to control yourself to achieve your financial resolution is already an achievement. The best way to accomplish big goals is breaking them down into smaller actions. Momma always said, “You can’t eat the whole elephant in one bite!”

Talk about it. It’s easier to work through and achieve your financial resolution when you have someone to talk to, such as an accountability partner. Ask your significant other, a friend or family member, or someone you are comfortable with, to help you stay on track and be willing to talk to you about your progress.

Have it automated. Balancing a budget is one of the most challenging parts of being an adult, but having your bills automated makes  the bill paying process easier and more convenient. More than that, it helps you stay on budget! Automatic bill pay also has perks! Sometimes, you can get a discount on your bill just  by signing up for automatic drafting. Less stress, less hassle. More progress!

For more help on becoming successful with your financial goals, contact us today to see how we can help you get there!

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